Schofield O, M Cimino, S Doney, A Friedlaender, M Meredith, C Moffat, S Stammerjohn, B van Mooy, D Steinberg. Antarctic Coastal Ecosystems on a Warming Planet. Trends in Ecology and Evolution [Link]
Carroll G, B Abrahms, S Brodie, M Cimino. Spatial match-mismatch between predators and prey under climate change. Nature Ecology & Evolution doi.org/10.1038/s41559-024-02454-0. [Link]
Czapanskiy M, J Santora, K Dietrich, M Cimino, E Hazen, C Reiss, R Veit. Sea-ice and macrozooplankton distribution as determinants of top predator community structure in the Antarctic winter. Marine Ecological Progress Series 738: 57-73. [Link]
Cimino M, C Moffat. Southern giant petrels Macronectes giganteus as indicators of ocean surface currents. Biological Observations 14: 71-74. [Link]
Larsen G, H Varga, D Johnston, D Patterson-Fraser, M Cimino. Drone-based monitoring and geomorphology of southern giant petrel nests near Palmer Station, western Antarctic Peninsula. Polar Biology 47: 459-474. [Link]
Cimino M, H Welch, J Santora, D Kroodsma, E Hazen, S Bograd, P Warzybok, J Jahncke, S Shaffer. Tracked gulls help identify potential zones of interaction between whales and shipping traffic. Marine Ornithology 52: 61-72. [Link]
Welch H, T Clavelle, T White, M Cimino, D Kroodsma, E Hazen. Unseen overlap between fishing vessels and top predators in the northeast Pacific. Science Advances 10: eadl5528. [Link]
Gallagher K, M Cimino, M Dinnimin, H Lynch. Quantifying Potential Marine Debris Sources and Potential Threats to Penguins on the West Antarctic Peninsula. Environmental Pollution, 123714. [Link]
Gallagher, K, G Selig, M Cimino. Descriptions and patterns in opportunistic marine debris collected near Palmer Station, Antarctica. Marine Pollution Bulletin 199, 115952. [Link]
Cimino M, M Goerke, S Bent. Sixty years of glacial retreat behind Palmer Station, Antarctica. Antarctic Science 35(6):415-417. [Link]
Lezama-Ochoa N, S Brodie, H Welch, M Jacox, M Pozo Buil, J Fiechter, M Cimino, B Muhling, H Dewar, E Becker, K Forney, D Costa, S Benson, N Farchadi, C Braun, R Lewison, S Bograd, E Hazen. Divergent responses of Highly Migratory Species to climate change in the California Current. Diversity & Distributions 30: e13800. [Link]
Frawley T, S Brodie, B Muhling, H Blondin, H Welch, M Arostegui, S Bograd, C Braun, M Cimino, N Farchadi, E Hazen, D Tommasi, M Jacox. Dynamic human, oceanographic, and ecological factors mediate transboundary fishery overlap across the Pacific high seas. Fish and Fisheries 25: 60-81. [Link]
Welch H, M Savoca, S Brodie, M Jacox, B Muhling, T Clay, M Cimino, S Benson, B Block, M Conners, D Costa, F Jordan, A Leising, C Mikles, D Palacios, S Shaffer, L Thorne, J Watson, S Bograd, E Hazen. Impacts of marine heatwaves on top predator distributions are variable but predictable. Nature Communications 4:5188. [Link]
Cimino M, J Conroy, J Bowman, B Connors, A Corso, H Ducklow, W Fraser, A Friedlaender, H Kim, G Larsen, C Moffat, R Nichols, L Pallin, D Roberts, M Roberts, D Steinberg, P Thibodeau, R Trinh, O Schofield, S Stammerjohn. Long-term patterns in ecosystem phenology near Palmer Station, Antarctica, from the perspective of the Adélie penguin. Ecosphere 14(2): e4417. [Link]
Fennie H, R Seary, B Muhling, S Bograd, S Brodie, M Cimino, E Hazen, M Jacox, E McHuron, S Melin, J Santora, J Suca, J Thayer, A Thompson, P Warzybok, D Tommasi. An anchovy ecosystem indicator of marine top predator foraging and reproduction. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290: 20222326. [Link]
Hudson K, M Oliver, J Kohut, M Dinniman, J Klinck, M Cimino, K Bernard, H Statscewich, W Fraser. A subsurface eddy associated with a submarine canyon increases availability and delivery of simulated Antarctic krill to penguin foraging regions. Marine Ecological Progress Series, m14211. [Link]
Welch H, D Koordsma, T Clavalle, T White, J Van Osdel, T Hochberg, M Cimino, E Hazen. Hotspots of unseen fishing vessels. Science Advances 8(44), eabq2109. [Link]
Suca J, J Field, J Santora, K Curtis, B Muhling, M Cimino, E Hazen, S Bograd. Temperature and upwelling dynamics drive market squid (Doryteuthis opalescens) distribution and abundance in the California Current. ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsac186. [Link]
Ducklow H, M Cimino, K Dunton, W Fraser, R Hopcroft, R Ji, A Miller, M Ohman, H Sosik. Marine coastal pelagic ecosystem responses to climate variability and change. BioScience, biac050. [Link]
Cimino M, S Shaffer, H Welch, J Santora, P Warzybok, J Jahncke, I Schroeder, E Hazen, S Bograd. Western gull foraging behavior as an ecosystem state indicator in coastal California. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 790559. [Link]
Kavanaugh M, T Bell, D Catlett, M Cimino, S Doney, W Klajbor, M Messie, E Montes, F Muller-Karger, D Otis, J Santora, I Schroeder, J Trinanes, D Siegel. Satellite remote sensing and the Marine Biodiversity Observing Network (MBON): current science and future steps. Oceanography 34(2), 62-79. [Link]
Santora J, T Rogers, M Cimino, K Sakuma, K Hanson, E Dick, J Janncke, P Warzybok, J Field. Diverse integrated ecosystem approach overcomes pandemic-related fisheries monitoring challenges. Nature Comms 12(1), 1-10. [Link]
Santora J, I Schroeder, S Bograd, F Chavez, M Cimino, J Fiechter, E Hazen, M Messie, R Miller, K Sakuma, W Sydeman, B Wells, J Field. Pelagic biodiversity, ecosystem function and services: an integrated observing and modeling approach. Oceanography 34(2), 16-37. [Link]
Cimino M, M Jacox, S Bograd, S Brodie, G Carroll, B Lavaniegos Espejo, E Hazen, M Morales, E Satterthwaite, R Rykaczewski. Anomalous poleward advection facilitates episodic range expansions of pelagic red crabs in the eastern North Pacific. Limnology & Oceanography doi.org/10.1002/lno.11870 [Link]
Nardelli S, M Cimino, J Conroy, W Fraser, D Steinberg, O Schofield. Differences in krill availability between adjacent Adélie and gentoo penguin foraging regions near Palmer Station, Antarctica. Limnology & Oceanography 66, 2234-2250. [Link]
Cimino M, J Santora, M Jacox, W Sydeman, I Schroeder, E Hazen, S Bograd. Essential krill species habitat resolved by seasonal upwelling and ocean circulation models within a large marine ecosystem. Ecography 43(10), 153-1549. [Link]
Hudson K, MJ Oliver, K Bernard, M Cimino, W Fraser, J Kohut, H Statscewich, P Winsor. Re-evaluating the canyon hypothesis in a biological hotspot in the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 10.1029/2019JC015195 [Link]
Pagniello C, M Cimino, E Terrill. Mapping Fish Chorus Distributions in Southern California using an Autonomous Wave Glider. Frontiers in Marine Science 6:526. [Link]
Cimino M, D Patterson-Fraser, S Stammerjohn, W Fraser. The interaction between island geomorphology and environmental parameters drives Adélie penguin breeding phenology on neighboring islands near Palmer Station. Ecology and Evolution, DOI 10.1002/ece3.5481. [Link]
Cimino M, M Anderson, T Schrameck, S Merrifield, E Terrill. Towards a Fishing Pressure Prediction System for a Western Pacific EEZ. Scientific Reports 9: 461. [Link]
Oliver M, J Kohut, K Bernard, W Fraser, P Winsor, H Statscewich, E Fredj, M Cimino, D Patterson-Fraser, A Carvalho. Central place foragers select ocean surface convergent features based on species-specific foraging strategy. Scientific Reports 9(1):157. [Link]
Cimino M, M Cassen, S Merrifield, E Terrill. Detection efficiency of acoustic biotelemetry sensors on Wave Gliders. Animal Biotelemetry 6(16):1-14. [Link]
Pickett E, W Fraser, D Patterson-Fraser, M Cimino, L Torres, A Friedlaender. Spatial niche partitioning may promote coexistence of Pygoscelis penguins in case of climate-induced sympatry near Palmer Station, Antarctica. Ecology & Evolution, DOI 10.1002/ece3.4. [Link]
Cimino M, P Colin, T Schramek, S Lindfield, M Domeier, E Terrill. Oceanographic, acoustic and remote approaches reveal the spatio-temporal dynamics of blackfin snapper at an aggregation site in Palau. Marine Ecological Progress Series 601:185-201. [Link]
Cimino M, P Patris, G Ucharm, L Bell, E Terrill. Jellyfish distribution and abundance in relation to the physical habitat of Jellyfish Lake, Palau. Journal of Tropical Ecology 34(1): 17-31. [Link]
Terrill E, M Moline, P Scannon, E Gallimore, T Shramek, A Nager, R Hess, M Cimino, P Colin, A Pietruszka, M Anderson. Project Recover: Extending the Applications of Unmanned Platforms and Autonomy to Support Underwater MIA Searches. Oceanography 30(2): 150–159. [Link]
Oliver M, M Breece, D Haulsee, M Cimino, J Kohut, D Aragon, D Fox. Factors affecting detection efficiency of mobile telemetry Slocum gliders in the coastal Mid-Atlantic. Animal Biotelemetry 5(1): 14. [Link]
Bernard K, M Cimino, W Fraser, J Kohut, M Oliver, D Patterson-Fraser, O Schofield, H Statscewich, D Steinberg, P Winsor. Factors that affect the nearshore aggregations of Antarctic krill in a biological hotspot. Deep Sea Research Part I 127:139-147. [Link]
Kohut J, T Miles, K Bernard, W Fraser, D Patterson-Fraser, M Oliver, M Cimino, P Winsor, H Statscewich, E Fredj. Project CONVERGE: Impacts of local oceanographic processes on Adélie penguin foraging ecology. In OCEANS MTS/IEEE Monterey, pp. 1-7. [Link]
Cimino M, H Lynch, V Saba, M Oliver. Asymmetric response of Adélie penguins to Antarctic climate change. Scientific Reports 6, 28785. [Link]
Cimino M, M Moline, W Fraser, D Patterson-Fraser, M Oliver. Climate-driven sympatry may not lead to foraging competition between congeneric top predators. Scientific Reports 6, 18820. [Link]
Cimino M, W Fraser, D Patterson-Fraser, V Saba, M Oliver. Large-scale climate and local weather drive interannual variability in Adélie penguin chick fledging mass. Marine Ecological Progress Series 513:253-268. [Link]
Breece M, M Oliver, M Cimino, D Fox. Shifting Distributions of Adult Atlantic Sturgeon Amidst Post-Industrialization and Future Impacts in the Delaware River: a Maximum Entropy Approach. PLOS ONE 8(11): e81321. [Link]
Cimino M, W Fraser, A Irwin, M Oliver. Satellite data identify decadal trends in the quality of Pygoscelis penguin chick-rearing habitat. Global Change Biology 19(1): 136–148. [Link]